Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Photoshoot with Trevan

Well, classes are coming to an end. I have my Literature, Digital Production Techniques and Studio Photography finals next week. Overall it's been a great term full of new information. I never knew how much I would love being in the studio but it's amazing. Anyways, here are a few pictures from my last studio class. Trevan was a great model and really easy going. He is a football player and wrestler at a high school in Sanford, Maine.

Photobucket Image Hosting

Photobucket Image Hosting

Photobucket Image Hosting

Photobucket Image Hosting

Hope you all enjoy the photos!


zach said...

I like the thinking pose! :D

What does finals look like for your studio lighting course?

Rachel Swain Photography said...

Thanks. We have to provide 3 images of each lighting style, aka.. broadside, shortside, butterfly, rembrandt and split. Then we have to give 3 creative photos. We also have to make a photo slideshow and print out 3 of our favorite images.

zach said...

Cool. I never new there were names for the poses.

Is butterfly is where there's a shadow under the nose? And Rembrandt was a famous Dutch painter, but that's all I know. :D

You should get a sync cord.


Rachel Swain Photography said...

Haha.. Well, it goes like this...

Butterfly- Shadow Under Nose (Yeah you're right.)

Split- Face is straight on to the camera and half of the face is light and the other half is shadow.

Broadside- 2/3 of the face is light and the other 1/3 is shadow area.

Shortside- 1/3 of the face is light and the other 2/3 is shadow area.

Remrbandt- There is a triangle of light on one side of the subjects face from their nose.

Haha. Those are my poor definitions.:-)